Rabu, 17 November 2010

benefits of computer

Computers are great resources to own. It makes out everyday life easier and puts a wealth of information at our fingertips.

So far the only thing that I've found impossible to do with a computer is be intimate, but you can find a site on the internet to accomplish that no matter what you taste.

It's great for keeping in touch with friends, making new friends with similar interest, idle conversation or chit chat and a host of other things.

he benefits are easier reasearch, better gaming, it's easier to comunicate with, it makes business better, it makes it easier to shop,etc.

The computer is a computing machine, it offers all benefits of a good well calibrated machine. A computer can repetitively compute without making mistakes (accuracy). A computer is not biased. A computer is quicker in doing assigned tasks since it takes help of Integrated Circuits (speed of electricity?) to process.
It is very important that a given problem is expressed in computer terminology first, exhaustively and accurately, to avail benefits of computers.

sources : http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_benefits_of_computer
            : http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061129061133AAzyQHK

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